Keys to Surviving Black Friday Shopping

For all of you brave souls planning on shopping this Friday, here are 7 tips on how to survive Black Friday’s shopping madness.

1. Choose your stores

Do some research on which stores you’ll be shopping this year. Here’s a list of Black Friday sales going on in Las Vegas.

2. Create a game plan

After you figure out which stores you want to shop, figure out which stores open first. Schedule your day based on store opening times and distance. Conquer the stores near each other to be time-effective.

3. Make time to eat

There is nothing worse than shopping on an empty stomach. Be sure to schedule time to eat before (or sometime in-between) your shopping.

4. Pack a snack

Again, just emphasizing the importance of eating food. You do not want to be hangry while dealing with a crowd of crazy shoppers. Bring a water too.

5. Wear something comfortable

Black Friday is not the day to wear something fussy. Wear the most comfortable outfit you own because it will make the day that much better.

6. Take a shopping list

It is easy to get caught up in all the amazing sales. To avoid buying anything you don’t need, be sure to take a shopping list with you. Try your hardest to stick to that list!

7. Bring a friend

Because you’ll need the support of a friend to make it through the day mentally and physically. Also, a friend comes in handy when shopping for items off of your list. You are bound to get everything from your list if you have two sets of eyes looking for items.


Do you have any tips to survive Black Friday madness?

Sharing 7 Tips to Survive Black Friday Shopping

What do you think?

November 23, 2017

Yes to all of these! Especially remember to eat. No one wants to shop hangry!!!?

November 23, 2017

Hahha being hangry is the worst!

November 23, 2017

Yes to all of these! Especially remember to eat. No one wants to shop hangry!!!?

November 23, 2017

Hahha being hangry is the worst!

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