How to Politely Decline Gifts for the Holidays

no gifts this year

It’s the holiday season, which means it’s time for gift giving. Gift giving is great, and it’s even a love language for some, but receiving gifts can be super stressful when living a conscious/minimalist lifestyle. Explaining this lifestyle to friends and family can be even more stressful! Everyone has their reasons for not wanting gifts, but not everyone will respect or understand those reasons. So let’s talk about how to politely decline gifts for the holidays.

How to navigate turning down gifts for the holiday season:

1. Be Vocal About Why You Don’t Want Gifts

Be specific and be honest when telling your friends and family why you don’t want to receive holiday gifts. Communication is key! You can say something along the lines of “I appreciate you for thinking about me, but I would prefer to receive no gifts this year because [insert reason here].”

Some reasons to insert:

  • I don’t have space in my small apartment
  • We are cutting back the number of items we own
  • I’m overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I currently have and would prefer if you gifted me an experience/consumable item instead

Whatever your reasoning, be clear, be straightforward, and let the person know you appreciate them for thinking of you.

gift giving etiquette

Suggest Alternative Gift Ideas

Sometimes communicating why you don’t want gifts isn’t enough. Some people will still want to gift you something to show their love. If this happens, you can ask the person to donate to an organization on your behalf, request a gifted experience, or ask for something you want or need. Also, it’s never a bad idea to send a wishlist! If you are truly looking to save space, you may want to ask for a consumable gift (something you can eat or use up).

Cool Gifted Experiences:

Altereco Truffles
Nourish by The Now
The Growing Candle
Annual Park Pass

Sustainable Consumable Gifts:

Ask to spend time together

If your love language is quality time, this option is for you! You can tell your friends and family, “Instead of getting me a gift, can we go out to lunch instead? I’d much prefer to spend some quality time with you this holiday season.”

Don’t be afraid to regift items

This may be controversial, but if you receive a gift that doesn’t bring you joy, it’s 100% okay to regift the item to someone who will actually love and use the item. Just make sure the regifted item is going to someone who will appreciate it.

Educate Your Friends and Family

Some people aren’t aware of how wasteful the holiday season is. You can educate your friends and family about the world’s waste problem and overconsumption. Don’t make turn this into a lecture, but share the reasons why you’re passionate about owning/consuming less. Explaining why you became a minimalist and how you want to make a better impact on the planet can get loved ones on board with your cause. You may even inspire your loved ones to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

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