5 Holiday Decorating Ideas to Make Your Small Apartment Feel Festive

Holiday Decor Ideas for Small Apartments

Decorating for a small studio apartment can be tricky. You want to feel the holiday spirit but don’t want the space to feel cluttered.

Also, storage is limited in small studio apartments, so you don’t want anything that you don’t have room to put away during the off-season.

The minimal approach to holiday decor is the best way to achieve a festive, but clutter-free space.

Here are some holiday decor ideas for small apartments that will make your space feel like Christmas.

Minimal Christmas Decorate With Me | Studio Apartment LA

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Holiday Decor Ideas

Minimalist Holiday Decor - Reindeer Treats Bowl with Apples

1. Use Fruit Bowls for a Pop of Color 

Adding pops of red and green can make your space feel more festive. Consider putting out a festive holiday bowl with some red and/or green apples. You can store apples at room temperature for about a week.

Minimalist Christmas Decor - Snowflakes & Citrus Bath & Body Works Candle

2. Embrace Scented Candles

Scents can immediately transform your space into a winter wonderland. Candles can make your space smell really festive. Opt for scents like peppermint, fir, or cedarwood. You can also simmer a pot of water with oranges, cloves, and cinnamon sticks for a nice holiday scent.

Target Grateful Banner

3. Use Your Vertical Space

If you don’t have a lot of floor space, opt for hanging things on the wall. Garland, holiday banners, and lights can help you feel the holiday cheer. You can even put a Christmas tree on the wall!

Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

4. Opt for a Mini Tree

Miniature trees are super cute. Especially small trees that can fit on a tabletop.

apartment holiday decor 2018

5. Add Texture

Comfy, cozy items immediately make spaces feel festive. Add a chunky throw blanket on your bed or a fuzzy blanket on your couch to make your space feel warm.

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What do you think?

December 2, 2018

Wow! I really love how natural your apartment looks! My favorite item was the Charlie Brown tree!

December 2, 2018

Thank you Malissa! I’ve been loving neutral tones lately.

Hahaha, I definitely think the Charlie Brown tree is the winner.

December 2, 2018

Wow! I really love how natural your apartment looks! My favorite item was the Charlie Brown tree!

December 2, 2018

Thank you Malissa! I’ve been loving neutral tones lately.

Hahaha, I definitely think the Charlie Brown tree is the winner.

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