How to Find an Affordable Apartment in Los Angeles

I moved from Las Vegas to LA a little over two years ago. Shortly after moving in, I shared an apartment tour video on YouTube and it ended up being my most watched video. Since posting that video, I received several questions about how to find an apartment in LA for under $1500. Finding an affordable apartment in Los Angeles can be overwhelming and stressful. I hope these tips help you with your apartment search.

Pick a move date

Set an estimated date for when you actually want to move. Creating a timeline for when you want to move can help you mentally prepare and financially prepare for this transition.

Figure out what amenities you want

Make a list of all of the amenities you want and prioritize what is most important to you. Do you want an in-unit washer and dryer? Or maybe you want a full-fridge? Do you want parking? What square footage are you looking for? Do you want an on-site gym? Be sure to get realistic on what you really want and be open to crossing some amenities off your list (unless you have a large budget).

Apartment Amenities

Set a budget

Create a budget that you are comfortable spending each month. This site gives a realistic idea of the average rent prices in LA.

Search for apartments within your budget

The apartment hunting apps listed below will help you find the perfect LA apartments. Be sure to check these apps frequently because apartments go really quickly in LA.

Apartment Hunting Apps

Pick an area/neighborhood to live in

There are so many different neighborhoods in LA. Try picking an area to live that is close to your job or places you will frequently need to commute to. Traffic is horrible in LA, so keeping your commute time as short as possible will save you time, money, and stress. This video breaks down the different LA neighborhoods.

Median 1 Bedroom Rent in LA
Image Credit: Zumper

Decide if you want a roommate

Having a roommate will save you money and help lower your cost of rent. is a great resource to connect you with roommates with similar interests.

View the apartment in person

Seeing an apartment in person is different from seeing it online. Going in person gives you the opportunity to see things you wouldn’t be able to see online (i.e. the parking situation, neighborhood safety, etc.).

You may also like: My 600 square feet LA studio apartment

Do your research

If you can’t see the apartment in person, be sure to do your research. Use yelp to check reviews of the apartment and use to check crime reports in the area.

Have all of the required documents

Have all of your documents and paperwork ready when viewing/applying for an apartment. Some of the items you’ll need include;

  • Pay Stubs
  • Proof of Employment
  • ID
  • Social Security Card
  • Bank Statements
  • Checkbook
  • Letter of Recommendations
Apartment Hunting Documents Needed - Find an Affordable Apartment in Los Angeles

Don’t Get Discouraged

It is so easy to get frustrated or to give up on finding an apartment in LA because the turnaround time is so fast. Don’t give up. Just keep looking and keep trying. There is an apartment out there for you.

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