Have you ever wondered what’s the difference between ethical and sustainable fashion? Or what is fast-fashion and why is it so bad? These were questions I asked myself at the beginning of my conscious consumer journey. Let’s dive into what 7 ethical fashion terms to know. These terms will help you familiarize yourself with the lingo used in the ethical fashion space.

Ethical Fashion Terms to Know - Thrifts & Tangles

1. Conscious Consumer

To be conscious is to be deliberate, intentional and aware; to be a consumer is to be a person who purchased goods and services for personal use. Quite literally a conscious consumer is a person who is intentional in their purchases.

A conscious consumer is an agent of change who considers the social, environmental, ecological, and political impact of their buycott and boycott actions.

Jaya Ramchandani

Conscious consumers ask important questions like: Who made this item? What resources were used to make this? How did this item impact local communities and the environment?

2. Eco-Friendly Fashion

Eco (short for ecology) examines how plants and animals interact with the environment. Eco-friendly fashion means clothing that causes little or no harm to the environment.

Eco-fashion also considers the health of consumers and the working conditions of people in the fashion industry.


Some examples of eco-friendly fashion are items made from organic/raw natural materials (i.e. cotton, linen, hemp) or recycled materials; items made with plant-based dyes; items produced with little water.

3. Ethical Fashion

Ethical fashion focuses on the social and environmental impacts throughout a garment’s lifespan. Basically, fashion and morals combined.

Ethical fashion considers…the people, animals, and plants who live in the area and do not necessarily work at the factory or mill but, are still impacted by it. The ethical treatment of workers and the local community.

Allison Calabrese

Ethical fashion can be thought of as an umbrella term which consists of eco-friendly fashion, fair trade fashion, sustainable fashion, and slow-fashion.

4. Fair Trade Fashion

Fair Trade Fashion supports income sustainability, economic empowerment, and community wellbeing for farmers, workers, and their communities.

Fair Trade fashion is fashion created with a goal of empowering marginalized people while paying them a fair wage and ensuring fair working conditions.

People Tree

Look for fair trade certified labels to ensure an item is fair trade.

5. Fast-Fashion

Trendy fashion that is being created quickly and inexpensively.

Fast fashion is a term used by fashion retailers to describe inexpensive designs that move quickly from the catwalk to stores to meet new trends…Today, it is not uncommon for fast-fashion retailers to introduce new products multiple times in a single week to stay on-trend.

Will Kenton

In order to keep costs low to meet consumer demand, fast-fashion companies use cheap materials, cheap manufacturing (chemical dyes, improper disposal of waste), and cheap labor. Also, the items are often not designed to last very long.

6. Slow Fashion

The opposite of fast-fashion. Shopping for quality, long-lasting, timeless pieces and slowing down consumption.

Slow fashion is also about returning to a personal relationship with fashion. One where trends and seasons don’t matter, but where your ethics and aesthetics seamlessly unite, and you can escape the stress of constant consumption, focusing on the style that truly appeals to you.

Emilia Wik

The slow fashion movement focuses on shifting consumers’ mindsets from quantity to quality. It is making a long term commitment to the clothes we buy, opting to repair worn items instead of replacing them.

7. Sustainable Fashion

Similar to eco-fashion, sustainable fashion is focused on causing little or no harm to the environment. Long-term efforts towards sustaining the environment.

Sustainable Fashion can be defined as a system in which supply, production, and consumption of fashion products have been designed in a way that ensures environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Rueen Amiriara

Sustainable fashion companies are committed to reducing carbon emissions, landfill waste, and/or water consumption levels.

What are some other ethical fashion terms to know?

Ethical Fashion Terms to Know